Is It Time For Your Child to Start a Virtual Learning Preschool?
It’s universally agreed that sending a child to preschool is a great way to give them a head start in learning — but for many people, this was easier said than done. Parents in a particular area might not have good preschools nearby, or the schools might be too expensive. Fortunately, there’s a new option — virtual learning preschools!
Online preschools have boomed since the COVID-19 outbreak, but not solely for health reasons. Parents are discovering that virtual preschool is a truly effective alternative, which brings many real benefits over traditional, in-person preschools.
Five Reasons Your Child Should Attend Virtual Preschool
1 – Save money
Online preschools are typically much less expensive than in-person schooling, and these days especially, that can make a big difference for a lot of families. If you think you can’t afford traditional preschool, virtual preschool is the solution.
2 – Find the best education for your child’s learning style
Another great thing about virtual and online preschools is that your location really doesn’t matter. You can choose between schools all over the state, or even all over the country, rather than being stuck with your local options. This gives you the ability to better vet schools and choose the perfect option for your little one.
3 – Children learn at their own pace
One big problem with in-person schooling is that the teacher has to set one single pace for the entire class, even though some children may have trouble keeping up, while advanced students will be bored. Virtual preschools have far more flexibility with when and how lessons are delivered, so the teaching can be tailored to fit your child’s needs.
4 – Stay healthy
COVID-19 isn’t the only disease worth worrying about. In-person schools often see students passing germs back and forth constantly. Plus, of course, you end up exposed to all those diseases too. At home schooling is far more sanitary, leading to fewer sick days for both your child and yourself.
5 – Plenty of diverse social interaction
The best online preschools use videoconferencing apps, like Skype or Zoom, to connect students and teachers. This allows your child to still get plenty of social interaction during classes. Better yet, they may be exposed to an even wider variety of people, since students may be attending from all over the country.
Virtual Preschool Learning with Playgarden Prep
Playgarden Prep is one of the nation’s top virtual learning preschools, and we’re accepting new students! Click here to learn more, or try a free trial to see for yourself.
Hi, I'm Miss Charlotte!
Miss Charlotte is an Education Director by trade, and a mom by heart. All 200+ of our DIY projects were created by Miss Charlotte, with the help of her expert DIY assistant—Her 4 year old daughter! With a MST degree in Early Childhood Education and 15 years of teaching experience, her blogs and DIY projects have been an incredible resource for our Playgarden Prep schools. We hope that your family loves them as much as we do!