Make Pre-K Online Learning Easier for Your Child with A Regular Morning Schedule
Whether your child is just beginning to attend preschool, or if you’re transitioning them from in-person to preschool at home classes, getting accustomed to online learning can be challenging. Having your little one’s early childhood education classes at home can slightly blur the boundaries between “school time” and “free time”.
One of the best ways to help your child make the transition to a successful preschool at home experience is by setting a morning routine. This will help them get into the right headspace and be prepared to learn.
At Playgarden Prep, we want all of our online students to have an amazing early childhood education experience. Here are a few tips to help make this happen!
Establishing A Morning Routine Before Online Preschool
1 – Have a set wake-up time
Don’t let your child sleep in on school days just because they’re at home. The sound of the alarm going off, as well as your insistence that it’s time to get up, will reinforce the idea that it is time to get ready for their preschool at home day.
As your child gets older, you can encourage a little autonomy by giving them control of their alarm clock — but make it clear they will still be expected to be ready for classes at the proper time.
2 – Get dressed
Another way to reinforce the importance and regularity of online school is to encourage your child to get dressed in real clothing for class. Pajamas are comfortable, but are meant for leisure, not preschool at home class! The routine of getting dressed is another way to reinforce the importance of their online early childhood education, and differentiate between class time and free time.
3 – Eat a good breakfast
A regular and balanced breakfast should be part of every child’s morning routine, whether they’re attending in-person or online classes. A good breakfast will give them the energy to stay alert and participate enthusiastically throughout the day.
4 – Set a dedicated learning space
If possible, your child should have a space in the home which is solely for school and learning This space, whether a whole room or just the corner of one, should be free of toys, games, and other distractions. A dedicated preschool at home space will encourage them to focus on their early childhood education, and will reinforce a difference between when they are learning vs. when they are free to do what they want.
5 – Switch up the weekends
Loosen up a bit on weekends. Make sure your child knows that preschool at home isn’t an every day thing, and that the weekend is for relaxation. Allowing them to sleep in a little bit more, or choose an activity they would like to do for the day, will not only be a treat, but will also help differentiate between “home mode” and “school mode.”
Start Online Learning Today!
Playgarden Prep offers top-quality online preschool to students across the country. Click here to learn more about us, then try a free trial!
Hi, I'm Miss Charlotte!
Miss Charlotte is an Education Director by trade, and a mom by heart. All 200+ of our DIY projects were created by Miss Charlotte, with the help of her expert DIY assistant—Her 4 year old daughter! With a MST degree in Early Childhood Education and 15 years of teaching experience, her blogs and DIY projects have been an incredible resource for our Playgarden Prep schools. We hope that your family loves them as much as we do!