Online Read-Alongs Can Improve Your Child’s Early Literacy Skills

Online Read-Alongs Can Improve Your Child’s Early Literacy Skills - Playgarden Online
BY Miss Charlotte October 10, 2021 Early Literacy

In many areas, it can be difficult to provide your child with all the books they need for an enriching early childhood education at a young age. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, many libraries are still operating with restricted hours or are not open at all. Even if the resources are available, many parents are simply too exhausted to dedicate the necessary time reading to their child to make a significant difference on their development. Reading preschool books aloud to your little one now will play a major role in their life later — so how does a parent provide a steady stream of books for their young child?

YouTube can help! There are plenty of recorded read-alongs of preschool books available for free on YouTube, which can be an excellent replacement for libraries and bookstores.

How YouTube Read-alongs Can Help with Early Childhood Education

If you search for children’s books or preschool books on YouTube, you can find plenty that will help to develop those early literacy skills. You’ll likely be able to find any preschool books you’re looking for, being read by an adult. There are lots of early childhood education channels that specialize in this, so it shouldn’t be hard to find some that fit your child and their interests! Here are a few tips to keep in mind when letting your child use YouTube to encourage an early love of reading.

  1. Vet the videos before showing them to your child.
    Despite YouTube Kids having extensive safety measures, there is still always a risk when allowing your child to access the Internet. Just because a video says it’s a certain thing doesn’t mean that this is necessarily true. We strongly recommend watching the videos for yourself before putting them into a playlist to make sure they’re legitimate and appropriate — at least until you find some channels whose creators are trustworthy. Some channels we love (besides the Playgarden Prep channel) are StoryTime at Awnie’s House, KidTimeStoryTime, and of course, PBS Kids!

  2. Start with a few books you already have.
    The idea of watching or listening to adults over video reading preschool books may be strange for a child. You can ease them in by starting with books you already own. That way, you and your child can directly read along with the recorded adult, making it a cooperative bonding activity.

  3. Look for books with familiar stories.
    Another good way to engage your child is to look for stories they’re familiar with, told through variations that they haven’t read yet. Many fairy tales, for example, have a lot of different adaptations! This will help keep them engaged and excited about their new book-readings.

  4. Start branching out.
    Once your child is familiar with the concept, look for more books — even ones they don’t know. Help them to explore different subjects and stories, and find out what kind of books they love most! If you don’t know where to start, Mr. Skylar’s Book Readings and Storytime Book Nook videos are a fantastic resource for finding age appropriate and developmentally beneficial preschool books.

  5. Ask questions as you go!
    Treat YouTube read-alongs like you would a live book reading; have you noticed that Mr. Skylar always pauses to ask questions and hear feedback from his students during his Live Storytime Zoom class? Pause the video every now and then to ask comprehension questions, or to see what your child thinks of the story or characters. This can help them to actively participate by feeling encouraged.

Still wondering about whether or not to trust YouTube? Don’t worry — Playgarden has you covered!

Playgarden Prep Online offers a private preschool experience at home. The Play & Learn plan includes a Video Library full of preschool book reading videos by certified teachers, and the Online Preschool plan includes those same videos PLUS live Storytime Zoom classes! Sign up for your free trial with Playgarden’s Online Preschool program to explore all of the amazing options for instilling an early love for reading, and an elite early childhood education.


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Miss Charlotte Pencil

Hi, I'm Miss Charlotte!

Miss Charlotte is an Education Director by trade, and a mom by heart. All 200+ of our DIY projects were created by Miss Charlotte, with the help of her expert DIY assistant—Her 4 year old daughter! With a MST degree in Early Childhood Education and 15 years of teaching experience, her blogs and DIY projects have been an incredible resource for our Playgarden Prep schools. We hope that your family loves them as much as we do!

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