How to Homeschool Preschool

How to Homeschool Preschool - Playgarden Online
BY Miss Charlotte May 31, 2023 Homeschool Preschool, parenting tips

Handling Homeschool Preschool

One of the best things about children is how eager and curious they are to learn! They have so much excitement about the world around them, and they always want to know more about their surroundings. This is why it’s really important to help them begin schooling in a way that will keep them enthusiastic about learning for the entirety of their educational career. Homeschool preschool can be an amazing way of doing this! However, it’s also really crucial to do your research before embarking on the journey; homeschool preschool can be a lot to handle if you’re still trying to figure out a path. To help, we’ve included some basic starting actions you can take to help your little one begin a successful homeschool preschool career!

  1. Getting Started: When you’ve decided that homeschool preschool is the path for you and your little one, it’s time to make sure your little one is prepared for the academic requirements of the outside world, too! To start, we recommend taking a look at what your state’s homeschool education requirements look like. Once you’ve determined what the general requirements are for your little one’s education, it’ll be easier to create a curriculum that adheres to your little one’s learning style! You’ll be able to research different types of curricula and set goals that best suit your little one. Some classes that are good starting places for your little one are:
    1. Math
    2. Language Arts (reading and writing, phonics)
    3. Physical Education/Movement
    4. Social Studies
    5. Science
    6. Art
  2. Setting a Schedule: Now that you’ve figured out the basics to get started with the learning, it’s a good time to set a schedule for your little one’s learning day! With all the excitement around learning, it’s easy to overextend the school day. as a general parameter, however, it’s good to keep your little one’s homeschool schedule to no more than two hours in total each day! Whether your little one learns best by sticking with class for extended periods of time or concentrates better when they work in shorter or smaller segments of time, it’s smart to make a schedule that works for both you and your little one! 
  3. Establish Learning Goals: It’s always easier to track your little one’s progress and help them grow in all areas of learning by setting strong and attainable goals for their learning and development! Depending on your little one’s age and strengths, these goals can vary. For example, if you notice your little one is struggling a bit with reading, it may be a good idea to work a little extra time on reading or practicing their phonics. Other learning goals might look like being able to identify and recite letters of the alphabet, learning how to rhyme words or being able to count to a certain number. No matter what, though, having the goals in place is the best way to encourage progress for your little one!
  4. Read, Read, Read: Something that you and your little one should definitely be doing daily is reading! Reading has been proven to have so many benefits for your little one’s literacy and communication skills. It’s a good idea to make sure there is always time in your little one’s curriculum for at least one story (and if they want to hear more, all the better)!
  5. Don’t forget the fun: Always remember that a hallmark of early learning is play and exploration! There are many ways play will help your little one to continue learning, whether it’s a trip to the park, some backyard exploration, structured games, or even just time with toys. It’s ok for there to be a little freedom within the schedule you set for your little one to play–it’ll help them develop creativity and imagination as well as improving their motor skills and problem solving abilities!

Trying to plan out all of this may sound exhausting, and sometimes it can be! However, by taking the time to create a solid course of action for your little one’s homeschool preschool, you can be sure that their early education experience will be a great one! Try Our Online Preschool for FREE! Playgarden Prep offers numerous educational videos from real teachers, and numerous DIY projects that support early learning and development.


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Miss Charlotte Pencil

Hi, I'm Miss Charlotte!

Miss Charlotte is an Education Director by trade, and a mom by heart. All 200+ of our DIY projects were created by Miss Charlotte, with the help of her expert DIY assistant—Her 4 year old daughter! With a MST degree in Early Childhood Education and 15 years of teaching experience, her blogs and DIY projects have been an incredible resource for our Playgarden Prep schools. We hope that your family loves them as much as we do!

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