Things Your Little One Needs to Know Before Starting Preschool

Things Your Little One Needs to Know Before Starting Preschool - Playgarden Online
BY Miss Charlotte October 02, 2022 parenting tips

Preparing for a New Chapter

No question about it, enrolling your little one in preschool, whether it’s online preschool or in-person, feels like a huge step! Not only is it a new part of your little one’s life, but it’s a change for you as well, and it’s important that both you and your little one feel appropriately prepared for what’s to come! Don’t worry, though — there are a number of ways you can approach the conversation around in-person preschool or preschool at home with your little one in order to make sure you both are ready for what comes next.

A skill that is very important to encourage in your little one as they begin their early childhood learning journey is independence! Though it can seem scary choice to not rush in and help your little one if they seem like they are flailing a bit, studies actually say that having faith in your little one’s ability to self soothe and learn from their mistakes is a good way to help them become socially adept. There are lots of ways to introduce this independence in your little one’s daily routine — self care is one of the best! Teaching your little one to brush their own teethwash hands, zip their own backpack, and more can be great preparation for online preschool or in-person early childhood education.

It’s also a great idea to get your little one ready to be potty trained! When you are in the process of choosing an early childhood education path, it’s really important to ask about their potty training policies. If the school you’re interested in requires potty training, you must really stop and check in with your little one about their abilities. If you notice that they just do not seem ready, don’t rush it! (And remember, online preschool and preschool at home are always options!) However, if the diapers can stay dry for at least an hour, then it’s most likely a good time to get them prepared for potty training.

Organization is also an incredibly crucial skill to start building in your little one from an early age, and becomes even more important the closer they get to beginning online preschool, preschool at home, or in-person learning! This is a skill that your little one will use their whole life, not just in their early childhood education, and it’s pretty simple to begin building a strong foundation for it at home. We recommend starting this process in your little one’s room! You can purchase inexpensive colorful bins to keep toys or clothes in, and help your little one create a storage system that works for both of you. Additionally, after playtime, really instill a practice of cleaning up after one’s self, and help your little one learn the importance of being aware of the items they use and the impact they have!

A lot of folks believe that studying flashcards or academic preparation is the way to go when you’re prepping your little one to enter in-person or online preschool. However, it’s actually social readiness that will set your child up for success as they enter preschool at home or any other early childhood education setting. So many important skills can be learned during peer play rather than by studying flashcards. Things like taking turns, sharing, participating in pretend play, and playing with other little ones will prepare your little one in ways that will really set them up for success! Teaching table manners is also a handy tool that will be sure to impress your little one’s educators.

As they get ready to enter online preschool or in-person early childhood education, your little one is certain to be feeling a lot of big emotions that they cannot always label. It may feel easier for you to try and shut those feelings down, but it is imperative not to! By being understanding and putting clear words to those strong emotions, your little one will feel far more equipped to handle bigger feelings. For example, if your little one has had a long day and is very upset, you can let them know what they are feeling, such as: “you are probably feeling grumpy because you are tired”! You can make sure they know that you’re there to talk when they have calmed down or at the end of any long preschool at home day. This is something that your little one will also be able to carry with them past early childhood education and well into life!

In a similar fashion, being certain to set up a consistent and open line of communication and encouraging those communication skills is a fantastic way to prepare your little one for preschool by helping practice language skills and making sure your little one knows how to talk clearly with others. It can be as simple as talking about what is going to be had for dinner, discussing what is in a room, or verbally going over the daily routine. Remember that what is often mundane or even boring to you can be a thrill to your little one in the early years of their early childhood education journey!

Finally, one of the best ways to get your little one ready for online preschool or in-person learning is to keep it simple! It can be overwhelming to juggle all the different advice we are sure you’ve gotten from other parents, teachers, and more, but take a deep breath, and remember the basics. Make sure your little one knows their name, and their parents’ names. If they can manage it, it’s great for them to know their phone number and address as well. If they have allergies or medical conditions, just be certain that they know the importance of having a bracelet or identifier of this information close to them, and they should be all set.

We know there is so much to prepare for as your little one gets ready to head off to school or into a preschool at home adventure, but be confident in your ability to prepare them for the very beginning of their academic career! You know your little one better than anyone and by using tips like these, the two of you together can make their first memories of their early childhood education fun and pleasant! Try Our Online Preschool for FREE! Playgarden Prep offers numerous educational videos from real teachers, and numerous DIY projects that support early learning and development.


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Miss Charlotte Pencil

Hi, I'm Miss Charlotte!

Miss Charlotte is an Education Director by trade, and a mom by heart. All 200+ of our DIY projects were created by Miss Charlotte, with the help of her expert DIY assistant—Her 4 year old daughter! With a MST degree in Early Childhood Education and 15 years of teaching experience, her blogs and DIY projects have been an incredible resource for our Playgarden Prep schools. We hope that your family loves them as much as we do!

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