Ways To Be Creative As A Family

Ways To Be Creative As A Family - Playgarden Online
BY Miss Charlotte May 02, 2022 parenting tips, Preschool Activities

While your child will be learning all sorts of ways to express their creativity during their online preschool classes, grown ups and parents may be finding that they want to continue to encourage creativity outside of the classroom as well. But how can that happen?

Not only can doing family activities with your child help with familial bonding, it can also benefit your little one’s mental health! Family time allows for your child to receive emotional support, socialize, and can even decrease stress. 

“Creativity” might be a daunting word upfront, and may bring up the question: what if I’m not creative enough? However, if you take a step back, being creative with your little one can be as simple as making a meal with them, or finding a new preschool activity you both like to do together! 

If you’re looking for ideas for family activities and preschool activities, we’ve got plenty!

Ways To Be Creative As A Family

Time with family just got creative! There are lots of ways to promote creativity outside of the classroom for your child. For example:

1 – Cooking

Finding a new recipe for both you and your child can be an excellent way to promote creativity! For example, making things that call for toppings, such as pizza or tacos, can be a fun preschool activity and an avenue to let your child explore different ways to customize their food and make it delicious! Grown ups can help with prepping ingredients, making this an interactive family activity for everyone.

2 – Rose, Bud and Thorn list

Unwind with your child and think creatively about your day by writing down a rose, bud, and thorn list. These are the components: 

Rose — something good that happened

Thorn — something not so good that happened

Bud — something to look forward to for tomorrow.

By making a list like this as a family activity, children are encouraged to recognize that days have good and bad parts, and that there is always something to look forward to tomorrow! It is also a great way for grownups to reflect as well. 

3 – Taking a Walk

After a long day with screens, it is good to disconnect for a while and go outside! If the weather is nice, taking a walk with your child is not only great exercise, but can provide a wide array of ways to be creative. Playing “I Spy” or doing a mini scavenger hunt are excellent preschool activities and serve as ways for both you and your child to think creatively about your surroundings.

4 – Creating a Storybook

Books don’t have to just be something you and your child read, they can also be something you make! By working together on this family activity, grown ups and kids can create their very own original book. Have your child tell a story, and have a grown up write it down. Next, create pages of a book with blank spaces that your child can draw in. This is an interactive preschool activity that you can look back on for years to come!

5 – Building Something

Building is a broad term that can apply to many family activities! You can build anything — from a building block city to a pillow fort! Even using recyclable materials to build new projects is a great way to not only reuse and teach your child about recycling, but also create something new and exciting. Whatever you choose, working on something with your child can be creatively stimulating for both of you. 

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Miss Charlotte Pencil

Hi, I'm Miss Charlotte!

Miss Charlotte is an Education Director by trade, and a mom by heart. All 200+ of our DIY projects were created by Miss Charlotte, with the help of her expert DIY assistant—Her 4 year old daughter! With a MST degree in Early Childhood Education and 15 years of teaching experience, her blogs and DIY projects have been an incredible resource for our Playgarden Prep schools. We hope that your family loves them as much as we do!

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