Outside Learning for Little Ones!

Outside Learning for Little Ones! - Playgarden Online
BY Miss Charlotte June 20, 2023 Preschool Activities, preschool at home

Keeping Learning Fun

It’s  nearly the end of springtime, and with that can come the restlessness that accompanies the conclusion of a long school year! Children are natural explorers at heart, so now is the perfect time of year to start incorporating fun and educational outside activities into your little one’s preschool at home routine. Though the weather is usually wonderful in spring, not all these preschool activities have to be literally outside. However, simply by adding a little variety to their routine, you can ensure that your little one will get to expend some of that energy and excitement in a way that encourages a love of learning.

  1. Enjoy the Natural World: While you don’t have to take the learning literally outside, what better time of year to do so? Spring is so exciting because of all the newly blooming flora, so why not cherish it? Nature studies are an excellent addition to any homeschool curriculum, and there’s so much to study! You and your little one can go on a nature walk, plant a small garden together, study your local insects, or take a trip to a tree nursery. There are so many options for fun outdoor preschool activities! 
  2. Learn about Your Local Community: Most towns have lots of history to them; take the time with your little one to do a bit of research about the place you call home. You can even make a little information packet with lots of pictures for the two of you to look at! After you’ve done a little looking, you can take a trip to your local historical or cultural center to take a peek at some of the artifacts, architecture, and even food! 
  3. Combine Your Indoor and Outdoor Lessons: A wonderful way to make sure your little one is learning and having fun is to combine what they’re learning in their preschool at home program with a fun and educational field trip! Be sure to choose some interactive preschool activities that will be enhanced by the trip. By integrating the trip and their daily learning, you can ensure that they’ll stay excited and interested in all of the wonderful learning to come! 
  4. Plan Activities with Friends: There’s no better way to make learning fun than by doing it in a group! If you’ve got a homeschool community, you can work with them to plan fun adventures together. Take the little ones to a zoo or aquarium, have a sing-along picnic, or stop by an organization like the fire station! It’s cost-effective and 100% more fun in a group – your little one will get to socialize with their peers, and you can too.
  5. Give Roadschooling a Try: If you’re feeling especially adventurous, you can try out a new type of preschool at home called “roadschooling”! The idea of roadschooling is that you can take your little one’s learning on the road in order to fully immerse them in their learning! Families will take their little ones all over the country (and even outside of it!) to learn all about the culture and environments of other places. It’s a great way to have your little one absorb information and ask loads of questions, as well as socialize themselves with all types of people. It’s the perfect method for those who are feeling daring! 

All in all, there are so many incredible ways to incorporate outside learning into your little one’s preschool at home routine this spring (and even into the summer)! Try out some of these preschool activities, and see what works the best for you and your little one. Try Our Online Preschool for FREE! Playgarden Prep offers educational videos from real teachers, and numerous DIY projects that support early learning and development!


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Miss Charlotte Pencil

Hi, I'm Miss Charlotte!

Miss Charlotte is an Education Director by trade, and a mom by heart. All 200+ of our DIY projects were created by Miss Charlotte, with the help of her expert DIY assistant—Her 4 year old daughter! With a MST degree in Early Childhood Education and 15 years of teaching experience, her blogs and DIY projects have been an incredible resource for our Playgarden Prep schools. We hope that your family loves them as much as we do!

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